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Monday, October 22, 2012

Indosat IM3 Internet Browser Explorer Error Solusi dan Fix

Indosat IM3 Internet Browser Explorer Error Solusi dan Fix

Kami menerima banyak pertanyaan di forum BerryIndo dan Twitter @BerryIndo kenapa tidak bisa browsing di BIS Indosat khususnya IM3 dan default internet browser hilang dari options.
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Jika masih tidak bisa digunakan,
Kami dapat penjelasan dari Indosat bahwa ada perubahan service books

Cara Delete / Send Service Books Internet Browser

Operator BIS anda kemungkinan ada perubahan service books, seperti contoh dari Indosat / IM3 diaman anda perlu hapus dan send ulang service books untuk aktifkan internet browser anda.
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Shared by Wijakmiko Indosat for BerryIndo.com
Pengguna BIS operator lainnya, jika anda mengalami hal yang sama, bisa coba Anda juga bisa coba lakukan hal yang sama untuk delete service books lama atau lakukan Diagnostic Test di BlackBerry
Juga baca cara lainnya untuk troubleshoot dan fix internet browser error di BlackBerry

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

11.000.000,00, JL. Gandaria 3 No. 58 Jagakarsa - Jakarta Selatan

Informasi Umum
Tipe Properti : Rumah Disewakan
Alamat : JL. Gandaria 3 No. 58 Jagakarsa - Jakarta Selatan
Kota : Kota Jakarta Selatan
Propinsi : Jakarta
Keterangan Lengkap
LT / LB : 50 M2 / 50 M2
Harga : Rp. 11.000.000,00,-
Keterangan : Dikontrakkan 4 Rumah Paviliun @ Luas=50m2, 2 kamar tidur, 1 kamar mandi, ruang tamu, dapur, teras dpn-blk, listrik=3300w, telp, carport=8 mbl, Lokasi di Jl. Gandaria 3 no.58 Jagakarsa-Jakarta selatan, dekat cilandak kko, lenteng agung, Ragunan, Tb. simatupang, Tol Jorr, Harga kontrak per Tahun @Rp. 11 juta/nego, Hub: Ibu Suryo = 0811830473/02197865157 Ikla
Nama : Ibu Suryo
Email : arispeed1@yahoo.com
Phone : 02197865157

9.000.000,00, jl.Agung raya 1 Rt008/02 no:51 Lenteng Agung

Informasi Umum
Tipe Properti : Rumah Disewakan
Alamat : jl.Agung raya 1 Rt008/02 no:51 Lenteng Agung
Kota : Kota Jakarta Selatan
Propinsi : Jakarta
Keterangan Lengkap
LT / LB : 50 M2 / 50 M2
Harga : Rp. 9.000.000,00,-
Keterangan : Dekat kampus iisip,2kamar,1dapur,1km,1R makan,1R tamu,teras untuk motor,rumah tak masuk mobil hanya motor,air jetpam+tower, jalan depan rumah masuk mobil,listrik 1300w
Nama : hendry
Email : bonjo7coto@yahoo.com
Phone : 085310063845

45,00, jl.Lapangan Ross 2 tebet jaksel

Informasi Umum
Tipe Properti : Rumah Disewakan
Alamat : jl.Lapangan Ross 2 tebet jaksel
Kota : Kota Jakarta Selatan
Propinsi : Jakarta
Keterangan Lengkap
LT / LB : 100 M2 / 170 M2
Harga : Rp. 45,00,-
Keterangan : Disewakan rumah hanya. 100m dr jalan raya kasablanka,minimalis,4kt,2km,dkt SMP 115,jalan 2 mbl.carport 2 mbl,rumah buatan 2005
Nama : okky oktavian
Email : okkyhokky@yahoo.com
Phone : 081218199795

12.000.000,00, jl. pondok jaya 2 no. 19B pela mampang mampang prapatan jakarta selatan

Informasi Umum
Tipe Properti : Rumah Disewakan
Alamat : jl. pondok jaya 2 no. 19B pela mampang mampang prapatan jakarta selatan
Kota : Kota Jakarta Selatan
Propinsi : Jakarta
Keterangan Lengkap
LT / LB : 150 M2 / 130 M2
Harga : Rp. 12.000.000,00,-
Keterangan : Kamar Tidur 2 Kamar Mandi 2 Dapur 1 Ruang Tamu 1 Ruang Makan 1 Teras/ Parkir Mobil
Nama : sukmawati
Email : sukmawatitrina@yahoo.co.id
Phone : 081399290236

9.500.000,00, jl. batu merah I no.6D Rt.006/002, empang tiga kalibata pasar minggu jakarta Selatan

Informasi Umum
Tipe Properti : Rumah Disewakan
Alamat : jl. batu merah I no.6D Rt.006/002, empang tiga kalibata pasar minggu jakarta Selatan
Kota : Kota Jakarta Selatan
Propinsi : Jakarta
Keterangan Lengkap
LT / LB : 0 M2 / 0 M2
Harga : Rp. 9.500.000,00,-
Keterangan : dikontrakan rumah dengan : 2 kamar tidur dapur, teras depan, kamar mandi, listrik 1300watt daerah stategis. dekat dengan pasar traditional, mall kalibata, kalibata city, dekat ke pasar minggu, dekat alfa..dekat ke jalan utama, pancoran. harga rp.9.500.000/tahun.
Nama : herna
Email : herna_mirda@yahoo.com
Phone : 081932277176

7.000.000,00,Jl. H. Disan, Srengseng Sawah, Jagakarsa

Informasi Umum
Tipe Properti : Rumah Disewakan
Alamat : Jl. H. Disan, Srengseng Sawah, Jagakarsa
Kota : Kota Jakarta Selatan
Propinsi : Jakarta
Keterangan Lengkap
LT / LB : 60 M2 / 35 M2
Harga : Rp. 7.000.000,00,-
Keterangan : Rumah yang sangat kondusif untuk pasangan baru, dengan kondisi lingkungan yang sangat sejuk, view menghadap Setu Babakan....SELAMAT HONEY MOON sepanjang hari....buruan sebelum keduluan yang lain.....
Nama : umar
Email : oemar_kemit@yahoo.com
Phone : 02195215645/08158369

10.000.000,00,- Pejaten

Informasi Umum
Tipe Properti : Rumah Disewakan
Alamat : Pejaten
Kota : Kota Jakarta Selatan
Propinsi : Jakarta
Keterangan Lengkap
LT / LB : 35 M2 / 35 M2
Harga : Rp. 10.000.000,00,-
Keterangan : info lebih lanjut kunjungi www.rumahmurahekky.blogspot.com atau temukan lewat facebook RUMAH MURAH
Nama : ekky
Email : ekky.tarore03@yahoo.co.id
Phone : 02199521990

10.000.000,00, kalibata utara

Tipe Properti : Rumah Disewakan
Alamat : Kalibata Utara
Kota : Kota Jakarta Selatan
Propinsi : Jakarta
Keterangan Lengkap
LT / LB : 123 M2 / 123 M2
Harga : Rp. 10.000.000,00,-
Keterangan : info lebih lanjut kunjungi www.rumahmurahekky.blogspot.com JUAL/BELI/RUMAH/KONTRKAN/KOST/TANAH
Nama : ekky
Email : ekky.tarore03@yahoo.co.id
Phone : 02199521990

Monday, October 8, 2012


Copying spot data to extrnal drive


Meeting about service in little garden


Preparring some quicklook for landsat data.  Take 2 6TB external drive from warehouse

Tuesday, October 2, 2012


Written, Composed and Arranged by JimmySamP
Performed by Hatsune Miku

すれ違いは結局運命で 全ては筋書き通りだって
悲しみを紛らわせるほど 僕は強くないから
弾き出した答えの全てが 一つ二つ犠牲を伴って
surechigai wa kekkyoku unmei de  subete wa sujigaki toori datte
kanashimi o magirawaseru hodo  boku wa tsuyokunai kara
hajikidashita kotae no subete ga  hitotsu futatsu gisei o tomonatte
mata ippo fumidasu yuuki o ubaitotte yuku

    Passing by each other, in the end, is a trick of fate  everything has been plotted out beforehand
Thinking that way would help relieve my sadness  but I'm not that strong
Each and every of the answers I came up with  has a sacrifice along with it
Taking away from me the courage to put one step forward

いつか君に捧げた歌 今じゃ哀しいだけの愛の歌
風に吹かれ飛んでゆけ 僕らが出会えたあの夏の日まで
itsuka kimi ni sasageta uta  ima ja kanashii dake no ai no uta
kaze ni fukare tonde yuke  bokura ga deaeta ano natsu no hi made

    The song I dedicated to you that one day  is now but a sad song of love
Let the wind blow it away  to that summer day when we first met

巡り会いも結局運命で 全ては筋書き通りだって
都合良く考えられたら 寂しくはないのかな
弾き出した答えの全てが 一つ二つ矛盾を伴って

meguriai mo kekkyoku unmei de  subete wa sujigaki toori datte
tsugou yoku kangaeraretara  samishiku wa nai no kana
hakidashita kotae no subete ga  hitotsu futatsu mujun o tomonatte
mukougawa e to tsuzuku michi o keshisatte yuku

    Chance meetings, in the end, are a trick of fate  everything has been plotted out beforehand
If I could conveniently think that way  will I stop feeling lonely?
Each and every of the answers I came up with  has a contradiction along with it
Wiping out the road leading to the other side

いつか君に捧げた歌 今じゃ哀しいだけの愛の歌
風に吹かれ飛んでゆけ 僕らが出会えたあの夏の日まで
itsuka kimi ni sasageta uta  ima ja kanashii dake no ai no uta
kaze ni fukare tonde yuke  bokura ga deaeta ano natsu no hi made

    The song I dedicated to you that one day  is now but a sad song of love
Let the wind blow it away  to that summer day when we first met

過去も未来も無くなれば 僕も自由に飛び立てるかな
感情一つ消せるのなら 「好き」を消せば楽になれるかな

kako mo mirai mo naku nareba  boku mo jiyuu ni tobitateru kana
kanjou hitotsu keseru no nara "Suki" o keseba tanoshi ni nareru kana

    If both my past and my future vanish  will I be able to soar freely?
If I can erase just one emotion  will I feel better if I erase my feeling of "love"?

君の耳を、目を、心を 通り抜けたモノ全てを
いつか知ることが出来たら 次はちゃんと君を愛せるかな
kimi no mimi o, me o, kokoro o, toorinuketa mono subete o
itsuka shiru koto ga dekitara  tsugi wa chanto kimi o aiseru kana

    Your ears, your eyes, your heart  everything you've heard, seen, and felt with them
If I can know them all one day  will I be able to love you better next time?

Miku midi



New month already,guess too much stop last month,the log is stopped at the middle of the month but the monthly report is okay in the end coz there's training on the last week of sept.
For the beginning of the month just being lazy in the morning.
But after lunch break everything start to roll. Start with wake up phone call to help friend with some auto reproject,then meeting about spp service for friday meeting. And b4 reach the upstair room,meet the boss and ask to accompany people setting up blade server till afternoonn

Friday, September 21, 2012


Do preparation for training,copying kal 2012 and batch for ekstrak 2011


Make batch n run sunkor mpi.
Do some checking of items with the team


Meeting about preparation for application training.
Meeting with supplier to check the delivered items.
Begin to runs cs_mpi sw


Coming late bcoz the bus got stuck on bad traffic jam. As soon as arrived,got invited by the boss on a meeting about preparation for final monthly report for  research report.

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

BB kontak


Tuesday, September 18, 2012

BB link

O2x PC suite http://www.optimus2x.net/index.php?topic=791.0

csv sms BB http://minhdanh2002.blogspot.com/2010/10/restoring-sms-backup-from-csv-to.html

Omega transcend http://www.kaskus.co.id/showpost.php?p=278239933&postcount=3

Monday, September 17, 2012




Friday, September 14, 2012

Black Rock Shooter

Black★Rock Shooter



ブラックロックシューター 何処へ行ったの?

もうやめて わたしはもう走れない いつか夢見た世界が閉じる
真っ暗で明かりもない 崩れかけたこの道で


ブラックロックシューター 懐かしい記憶
ブラックロックシューター でも動けないよ
闇を駆ける星に願いを もう一度だけ走るから

怖くて震える声でつぶやく わたしの名前を呼んで
夜明けを抱く空 境界線までの距離 あともう一歩届かない
こらえた涙があふれそうなの 今下を向かないで
未来を生きていたいんだ わかったの 思い出して
強く 強く 信じるの


ブラックロックシューター 優しい匂い
痛いよ 辛いよ 飲み込む言葉
ブラックロックシューター 動いてこの足!

最初からわかっていた ここにいることを
わたしのなかの 全ての勇気が

ブラックロックシューター ひとりじゃないよ
ブラックロックシューター 見ていてくれる
今からはじまるの わたしの物語

忘れそうになったら この歌を

Lyrics and Music by ryo
Sung by Hatsune Miku
Nico Video: http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm3645817

Original / Romaji LyricsEnglish Translation
BURAKKU ROKKU SHUUTAA  doko e itta no?
kikoemasu ka?
Black Rock Shooter, where did you go?
Can you hear me?
ato doredake sakebeba iin darou
ato doredake nakeba iin darou
mou yamete  watashi wa mou hashirenai
itsuka yumemita sekai ga tojiru
How much longer should I scream?
How many more tears should I shed?
Enough already, I can't run anymore
The world I once dreamed of is lost
makkura de akari mo nai  kuzurekaketa kono michi de
aru hazu mo nai ano toki no kibou ga mieta kigashita
On this dark, crumbling path that never sees the light
I think I saw that hope from back then that never should have existed
doushiteBut why?
BURAKKU ROKKU SHUUTAA  natsukashii kioku
tada tanoshikatta ano goro wo
BURAKKU ROKKU SHUUTAA  demo ugokenai yo
yami wo kakeru hoshi ni negai wo  mou ichido dake hashiru kara
Black Rock Shooter - Wistful memories
Of those simpler, delightful times
But Black Rock Shooter, I can't move
My hopes can only take once more to the stars racing through the darkness
kowakute furueru koe de tsubuyaku  watashi no namae wo yonde
yoake wo daku sora  kyoukaisen made no kyotai
ato mou ippo todokanai
I whisper in a frightened, trembling voice, "Call my name."
I won't reach any farther into the distance,
to the boundaries of the dawn-kissed sky
koraeta namida ga afuresou nano
ima shita wo mukanaide
tomatte shimau
mirai wo ikite itainda  wakatta no  omoidashite
tsuyoku  tsuyoku  shinjiru no
The tears I've held back are about to overflow
Don't look down now
I come to a halt
I wanted to live in the future, but I get it now, I remember
I believe with all my heart
sou yoThat's right
itai yo  tsurai yo  nomikomu kotoba
BURAKKU ROKKU SHUUTAA  ugoite kono ashi!
sekai wo koete
Black Rock Shooter - This gentle fragrance
It's painful, it breaks my heart, to take in your words
Black Rock Shooter, move your feet!
Overtake the world
saisho kara wakatte ita  koko ni iru koto wo
watashi no naka no  subete no yuuki ga
hi wo tomoshite
mou nigenai yo
I've known from the start that you were here
All the courage within me
Will light a flame
I won't run anymore
BURAKKU ROKKU SHUUTAA  hitori janai yo
koe wo agete naitatte kamawanai
BURAKKU ROKKU SHUUTAA  mite ite kureru
ima kara hajimaru no  watashi no monogatari
Black Rock Shooter, you aren't alone
I don't mind if you cry aloud
Black Rock Shooter, just you watch
This is where my story begins
wasuresou ni nattara  kono uta wo
utau no
Should you ever start to forget
I'll sing this song
Translated and transliterated by ArtemisA







痛いんだ 苦しいよ 君を傷つけて



Original / Romaji LyricsEnglish Translation
itsukara ka bokura te o toite 
shaberu kotoba mo nakushitanda 
tonari o aruku kimi no yokogao o mitsumete 
tada kizukanai furi o shitanda
Since when did our hands start drifting apart?
Even the words we speak were lost
I look at your side when we walk together
I just didn't make it obvious
sono hoo ni nagareru namida no imi ga 
mada wakaranai manuke na boku wa 
satteyuku kimi no senaka ni 
gomen to dake tsubuyaita
The meaning of those tears flowing down your cheeks
This stupid me still don't know
On your back that walks away
I only whispered "I'm sorry"
pazuru no you ni tsunagiawaseta mirai 
boku ga nakushita no wa doko no piisu darou
In the puzzle-like future we have assembled
The piece we have lost, I wonder where it belonged
samishisa de yogoshita kokoro 
masshiro na kuuhaku ni ukabete 
munashisa dake ga nokoru kono heya de 
sotto meguru yo kimi no kioku o
In the midst of loneliness, this tainted heart
Floats on a pure white void
In this room where only emptiness remains
Are your memories that gently go around
gomu no you ni hikinobasu mainichi 
togiresou na koe de bokura wa waratteita
The days stretch like rubber
We were laughing with a hoarse voice
kawatteshimatta kokoro no katachi o 
muriyari atehametemiru kedo 
itainda kurushii yo  kimi o kizutsukete
The shape of my heart that had changed
You forcibly try to adapt it to you but
It hurts; it is painful. You wound it
samishisa de yogoshita kokoro 
masshiro na kuuhaku ni ukabete 
munashisa dake ga nokoru kono heya de 
sotto meguru yo
In the midst of loneliness, this tainted heart
Floats on a pure white void
In this room where only emptiness remains
They gently go around
sagasou boku to kimi no katachi o 
tatoe onaji fuukei ni inakute mo 
waraiatte yorisotta hibi no 
kakera daite nemuru yo
Let's find our shapes
Even if we won't be in the same world
The pieces of the days we laughed and embraced
Hold them tight in your sleep

Cat Food

Album / Collection: Hatsune Miku

Lyrics/Music/Arrangement by doriko

だからね 濡らさないで
見上げた 顔にかけないで
突然の夕暮れ rainy

寒いわ 水は嫌よ
拭って あなたの手で
どうして 肝心な時に

I need 愛情 あなたの傍 ひざの上
I my me mine 私は まっしぐら

そう私は気まぐれ lady
なのにあなたは どこにも居やしないや

寒空のモノクロ lonely
早く見つけて 「ごめんね」と傘を広げて

晴れ後雨宿り今 花咲く一つ屋根の下で
夢の中 lalala...

お願い 今だけ貸して
叱らないで ぐだぐだ darling

でも 愛して

You need 友愛 そういう気持ちが大事
You live for me 心にまっしぐら

ねぇ あなたに愛され lady
だから許して 私は悪くないや

優しさと鬩(せめ)ぎあい ID
声に出せない 「ごめんね」を期待しないで

心に「それ」があるなら 言葉で愛だの恋だのとか
言わずとも 分かるはずでしょ

おいしいご飯があるなら 一緒に住んであげましょう
笑えるテレビがあるなら 一緒に見てあげましょう
あたたかい寝床があるなら 一緒に寝てあげましょう
それ以上何を望むの 聞いてあげましょう

受け止めて 憧れ lady
なのにあなたは 私を分かってないや

さよならね 涙目 maybe

止まない雨が降るなら このまま一つ屋根の下で
いつまでも  lalala...

I say nya-o あなたの傍で
I say nya-o あなたの腕で
I say nya-o あなたの名前さえ

Original / Romaji LyricsEnglish Translation
kirei ni kyou mo kimechatte
dakara ne  nurasanaide
miageta  kao ni kakenaide
totsuzen no yuugureinii
I've dressed myself beautifully today,
so please, let me stay dry.
As I gaze up, please don't rain on me;
what an unexpected rainy evening this is.
samui wa  mizu wa kirai yo
nugutte  anata no te de
doushite  kanjin na toki ni
inai hito na no
I feel cold. I hate water.
Please wipe me dry, with your hands.
But just why are you not here
when I need you the most?
I need aijou  anata no soba  hiza no ue
I my me mine  watashi wa  masshigura
I need love, and to stay by you, on your lap.
I, my, me, mine. I aim straight ahead,
"anata" tte hidamari mezashi
sou watashi wa kimagureidii
nanoni anata wa  doko ni mo i ya shinai ya
for "you", my sunshine.
Yes, I am a moody lady.
Yet, you are still nowhere to be found.
namida tte kore wa ame desho
samuzora no monokuronrii
hayaku mitsukete  "gomen ne" to kasa o hirogete
Tears? No, I say these are raindrops.
This freezing weather's monochrome makes me feel lonely,
so quickly find me, open your umbrella, and say "I'm sorry."
hare nochi amayadori ima
hanasaku hitotsu yane no shita de
yume no naka  lalala...
As the sunny weather turns rainy,
I take shelter under a roof, where a flower has bloomed.
This all seems like a dream, lalala...
orete'ru ano ko no mimi
kogoto mo kikoenai tte
onegai  ima dake kashite
shikaranaide  gudagudaarin
That boy always has his ears folded,
and can never hear my complains.
Please, lend me your ears just this time,
and don't scold me, my nagging darling.
okotta kao wa kirai yo
waratta kao mo kirai yo
somosomo konomi ja nai no
demo  aishite
I don't like your angry face.
I don't like your smiling face, either.
You're not quite my type to begin with,
but please love me.
You need yuuai  sou iu kimochi ga daiji
You live for me  kokoro ni masshigura
You need friendship. It's important to feel that way.
You live for me. I aim straight for your heart.
sunao tte wagamama no koto
nee  anata ni aisareidii
dakara yurushite  watashi wa warukunai ya
Being honest and frank is a form of selfishness.
Please, since I'm a lady loved by you,
forgive me, as I honestly didn't do anything wrong.
"kobinai" ga watashi jishin
yasashisa to semegiaidii
koe ni dasenai  "gomen ne" o kitai shinaide
The one not to your liking is yours truly here,
with an identity mixed with tenderness and fuss.
I can't bring myself to say it, so don't expect a "sorry" from me.
kokoro ni "sore" ga aru nara
kotoba de ai da no koi da no to ka
iwazu to mo  wakaru hazu desho
If you already have "that" in your heart,
then even when I don't express love or affection in words,
you should still understand, right?
oishii gohan ga aru nara  issho ni sunde agemashou
waraeru terebi ga aru nara  issho ni mite agemashou
atatakai nedoko ga aru nara  issho ni nete agemashou
sore ijou nani o nozomu no  kiite agemashou
If there's delicious food, I'll let you live with me.
If there're funny TV programs, I'll let you watch with me.
If there's a warm bed, I'll let you sleep with me.
Besides all that, what else do you need? I'll gladly ask.
tamani wa amaetai no yo
uketomete  akogareidii
nanoni anata wa  watashi o wakatte'nai yo
I want to play the spoiled child from time to time.
Please take me in, a lady of yearning.
Yet, you still don't understand my feelings.
koi datte itsuka sameru wa
sayonara ne  namidameibii
doa o akereba soko ni hirogaru "kyou mo ame"
I guess any love will eventually cool down.
Maybe this is goodbye then, with my eyes teary?
But as the door is opened, there you are, saying to me, "Another rainy day, huh?"
yamanai ame ga furu nara
kono mama hitotsu yane no shita de
itsu made mo  lalala...
If the rain is not stopping,
then I wish to take shelter with you under the same roof,
forever and ever, lalala...
I say nya-o  anata no soba de
I say nya-o  anata no ude de
I say nya-o  anata no namae sae
doushite umaku ienai no ka na
I say meow! Right by your side.
I say meow! In your arms.
I say meow! Why am I still
unable to utter even your name right?


Not doing much,just finished copy 06 folder,but do some mistakes on it so its overlap or overwrite with 07 folders. And finishing copy data in share jica with bash file


The backup process of "05" n "07" folder is done. After that they need to be copied in the big server.
There is a strange behaviour on the cluster. Each time its geowarping,3rd sw,it goes on loop, wont finished. Maybe need to try build from scratch.
Oh,and copying some of the mosaic fldr to jica staff. Its needed after disscussion with modis admin and he gave a space and established a link to NAS drive where the files will be placed

Wednesday, September 12, 2012


Making batch for extraction once again but now in USB drive in the morning. The person to fix server disk drive is arrived at the afternoon. And bcoz the fre space is almost up,need backing up some files,"07" folder is chosen. The USB with "05" and "07" folders need to copied to the bigger server. Start with "05"


The CSIRO's person is here again. Discussing about what to backup and realize that the new "geowarp.in" file is sent by email and i missed it. Then I try to run the 2 folders again with new file. It run but take long time(?).
Make an FTP that can be shared by people with IP public with modis admin. Then  must copy the class data to there.


All I can remember is there's some problem with the OS in the server. Some files corrupted maybe bcoz the internal hard drive which used as a backup (RAID 1) has trouble. And some blinking in on one of the storage drive. The operator came in the evening so stayed in the office till dawn is needed.
Maybe some extraction of 2012 LS data was started at noon. Make batch with delay. The delay is made by doing some ping count with "-n" parameter


~Ditching to "Red Land"~

Monday, September 10, 2012

Time machine

得意げに呟いた 心配ないからと
tokuigeni tsubuyaita shinpainaikarato
You murmured proudly that you had no worries
人の少ないホームで ヘタクソ\に強がった
hito no sukunai hoomu de hetakuso ni tsuyogatta
 You pitifully bluffed in a place that people rarely pass
唐突に鳴り響く 僕を呼ぶ別れの音
toutotsu ni narihibiku boku wo yobuwakare no oto
The sudden sound of goodbye that calls me
見慣れたその泣き顔も しばらくは見れないね
minareta sono nakigao mo shibaraku wa mirenaine
I guess I can't see the familiar crying face for some time 
声が遮られていく 身振り手振りで伝える
koe ga saegirareteiku miburiteburi de tsutaeru
Voice is blocked and communicating with gestures
"itterasshai" no sain
The "Come back safely" sign


少しずつ小さくなってく 全部置いたまま
sukoshi zutsu chiisakunatteku zenbu oitamama
 I threw away all the things that were getting smaller
悲しくなんかないさと イヤホンで閉じ込めたよ
kanashi kunankanaisato iyahon de tojikometayo
I murmured about how I wasn't sad and put on the earphones


見えたんだぼんやりと 暖かい昨日のビジョン
mietanda bonyarito kotatakai kinou no bijon
 I could see it a little - the vision of the warm past days
右と左に広がって 僕を連れて行くのさ
migi to hidari ni hirogatte boku wo tsurete ikunosa
To the right, to the left, it spreads and takes me with it
僕の横をすり抜けて 遠ざかっていく景色
boku no yoko wo surinukete toozakatte ikukeshiki
 The scenery passes me and is getting further away
ano hi no boku wo oiteku
It leaves that day's me behind

こぼれた涙一滴(ひとしずく)の 意味も分からずに
koboreta namida hitoshizuku no imi mo wakarazuni
Not knowing the meaning of the one teardrop
タイムマシンにゆられて 明日も元気でいるよ
taimumashin ni yurarete ashita mo genki deiruyo
 I wish that you'll be healthy and be shaken by the time machine

こぼれた涙一滴(ひとしずく)の 意味も分からずに
koboreta namida hitoshizuku no imi mo wakarazuni
Not knowing the meaning of the one teardrop
タイムマシンにゆられて 明日も元気で
taimumashin ni yurarete ashita mo genki de
I wish that you'll be healthy and be shaken by the time machine
溢れる涙抑えきれず 意味も分からずに
afureru namida osaekirezu imi mo wakarazuni
Not able to hold back the overflowing tears, not knowing the meaning
タイムマシンにゆられて また戻ってくるよ
 taimumashin ni yurarete mata modottekuruyo
I'll be shaken by the time machine and come back again 

project diva f


miku concert



Friday, September 7, 2012


Still with JICA staff today,he has bought is*t simcard with 2x100rb and telk simcard with 2x100rb. I'm suggesting is*t bcoz IMHO it has longer active time and the active time will be extended if u adding pulse. But after googling,I found this site and found that axis is having more merit in lifetime,it could expand till 2 years,but is*t limiting a sim card lifetime only for 90 days. But bcoz he needs stability maybe it's not bad to suggest is*t.
As for the backup progress,the Pap and Sum has finished,that conclude the "05" folder. And continued to "07" folder. The batch is not hard to completed then run it before noon. And while running the 2nd batch,doing integrity checking of the backup archive. Just 1 folder missed and it was fixed directly.
the JICA's staff ask to copying some mosaic data and I gave him 2008-2009 from every folders from cluster server. And he asked me to make port he can accessed from the cluster containing that data


Finally able to make a batch for making backup as an archive. Using this site as a reference on winrar command. Starting batch backup for Pap on the noon. The Sul list and batch already finished though. after I'm sure that the time would be enough to finished all of them on the next day. The Sul batch job was start on the evening.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012


Not even able to write August report bcoz so many happened from the morning. There's a invitation about paper,but I'm able to dodge it,thx to the head section inform me to accompany JICA's staff to do something about server. And in the morning there's a fuss about Nas02,the indicator lamp blinking,made us worries if there's something wrong with the disk and will lead to broken data. That's why we commanded to make a backup first,in case something happened. So I start with informing technical team to not make change in the directory that we plan on making backup,so the backup is the last state. Then making list of all the files and folders on the "05\pap\sul" and "07" directory. Then The guest is arrived.
The agenda is to insert some kal mos landsat data. 4 images,for 1990 and 2011, each was zone 49,50
And there's SMS server that came in the afternoon. It needs time finding out how to send SMS using command line.
That's all,but it takes almost and work day

P n S


Tuesday, September 4, 2012








سُبْحَانَ الَّذِي خَلَقَ الْأَزْوَاجَ كُلَّهَا مِمَّا تُنبِتُ الْأَرْضُ وَمِنْ أَنفُسِهِمْ وَمِمَّا لَا يَعْلَمُونَ
"Maha Suci Tuhan yang telah menciptakan pasangan-pasangan semuanya, baik dari apa yang ditumbuhkan oleh bumi dan dari diri mereka maupun dari apa yang tidak mereka ketahui." (QS. Yasiin 36 : 36)

وَمِن كُلِّ شَيْءٍ خَلَقْنَا زَوْجَيْنِ لَعَلَّكُمْ تَذَكَّرُونَ
"Dan segala sesuatu Kami ciptakan berpasang-pasangan supaya kamu mengingat kebesaran Allah" (QS. Adz-Dzariyyat 51 : 49)

Maha Suci Allah Yang Telah Menciptakan Makhluk-Nya Berpasang-pasangan
Ya Allah Dengan Ini Perkenankanlah Putra-Putri Kami :
Putri Bungsu Kel. Bapak.....
Putra Pertama Kel. Bapak.....
Untuk Menggenapkan Agama-Mu dan Mengikuti Sunnah Rasul-Mu
dalam membentuk Keluarga yang Sakinah, Mawadah, Warahmah
serta membina keturunan yang Sholeh dan Sholehah
Akad Nikah :
Selasa, 30 Oktober 2011, Pukul 15.00 WIB
Bertempat di Kediaman Mempelai wanita
Karanganyar – Jawa Tengah
Assalamu’alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakaatuh
Dengan Memohon Ridho dan Rahmat Allah Subhanahu wata’ala
Kami bermaksud menyelenggarakan Resepsi Pernikahan Putra-Putri Kami
insyaAllah akan dilaksanakan pada :
Ahad, 26 Agustus 2010
Pukul 11.00 – 14.00 WIB
Bertempat di Jl Lawu No 47 Karanganyar
Surakarta – Jawa Tengah
Kesan yang dalam akan terukir di hati kami apabila Bapak/Ibu/Saudara/i
berkenan hadir
untuk memberikan do’a restu kepada kedua mempelai
Wassalamu’alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakaatuh
Kel. Danarhadi                                                                                      Kel. Kusnandar
BAGIAN III ( DOA PENGANTIN / Bagian Belakang )
Ya Allah,
Andai Kau berkenan, limpahkanlah rasa cinta kepada kami,
Yang Kau jadikan pengikat rindu Rasulullah dan Khadijah Al Qubro
Yang Kau jadikan mata air kasih sayang
Ali bin Abi Thalib dan Fatimah Az Zahra
Yang Kau jadikan penghias keluarga Nabi-Mu yang suci.
Ya Allah,
Andai semua itu tak layak bagi kami,
Maka cukupkanlah permohonan kami dengan ridlo-Mu
Jadikanlah kami Suami & Istri yang saling mencintai di kala dekat,
Saling menjaga kehormatan dikala jauh,
Saling menghibur dikala duka,
Saling mengingatkan dikala bahagia,
Saling mendoakan dalam kebaikan dan ketaqwaan,
Serta saling menyempurnakan dalam peribadatan.
Ya Allah,
Sempurnakanlah kebahagiaan kami
Dengan menjadikan perkawinan kami ini sebagai ibadah kepada-Mu
Dan bukti ketaatan kami kepada sunnah Rasul-Mu.
Amin Allahumma Amiin……




Monday, September 3, 2012

miku link
















Friday, August 31, 2012


Link for today



G young link



Today i'm too exited flashing my Galaxy Young. It's my previous HH before using O2x. It smashed (my hand actually do the thing :p ) and the LCD broken. Something happened and we decided to repair it and after 2 days it's back to operational. Now I'm back to flash some ROM again.

Thursday, August 30, 2012

ICS for SU660

THIS-GREAT-NEWS(or I HOPE this will leaing to A-REALLY-GREAT_NEWS) from XDA. Some people on LG Optimus community in FB spreads that news and made me watch the news development in XDA forum. It was news of SU660(korean ver of P990) has received ICS update. The news struck every member of O2X community in XDA to play with that ROM or just sound there optimism not long again it will be our P990 to get the ICS update (finally after a year) although I'm just starting using mine for last 2 months. But it makes me really sure it will come true in near future.



Even I'm starting to have idea what I wanna do with this blog,it wont came out  easily,bcoz everything just crossing in and jumping out. But for today what I'm really gonna noted is THIS-GREAT-NEWS(or I HOPE this will leaing to A-REALLY-GREAT_NEWS) from XDA. Some people on LG Optimus community in FB spreads that news and made me watch the news development in XDA forum. It was news of SU660(korean ver of P990) has received ICS update. The news struck every member of O2X community in XDA to play with that ROM or just sound there optimism not long again it will be our P990 to get the ICS update (finally after a year) although I'm just starting using mine for last 2 months. But it makes me really sure it will come true in near future.

Link for today is
http://www.exilon-music.com/2012/08/single-hatsune-miku-odds-ends.html#third --Wow...ODDS and ENDS Single from ryo(supercell)
http://tulisaniwenk.blogspot.com/2011/12/download-crack-adobe-photoshop-cs3.html bcoz my file is deleted by antivirus >.<

And forget to make link in banner,so here its adding "/search/label/(label)"

Beside watching news progress,I've done something like this
-Copying new hires data
-Help fixing some feature in browse katalog

As for another idea is about deco27,ryo,miku,and tomorrow is Hatsune Miku birthday....


Wednesday, August 29, 2012


Copying data from boston


Copying results from Class process and give it to QA person...

Using rainmeter and docklet...not very hard...but not too good result

Monday, August 27, 2012



Sunday, August 26, 2012






Wednesday, August 22, 2012


Thursday, August 16, 2012

Monday, August 13, 2012


Making some screen-capture for the semester report. Must do some chmod to make the files executable. There's 10 machines that came from iafcp maybe...not sure about it but it's already handled by the head of administration.
Make progress for making the "class",copying 3 more directories to headnote and run 2 first program on 49n_cw. They runs successfully.


4 days Ritek in bandung...


It's for tuesday log,what i can remember is just preparing for some trip to bandung for 4 days to do some exhibition. Everything is already set by the head office so we just have to go there. There's an email stated that the process for the error directory is done successfully so that' mean there's something inour cluster. Give some more info by email and that's it,wait for answer....


It's monday again...time sure flies by on the speed I cant catch up. Havnt done anything useful or meaningful or at least has meaning and the day already over...My objection is at least finishing all the region in cluster and make some cool looking or at least a neat-look blog. I'm aiming to make blogs that even for other people it looks like scribble or just groups of letters at least if i read it has some meaning for me,remind me of the details of what I found, what I learn...Hey maybe this is good to put in the "About Me" section...pffttt..start the writing again after a week and forget what i wanna write earlier. I think it's just resend the email to aussie because it's not delivered on friday and got email from doraemon(mailer-daemon). I think the email was quite fast replied that day,do some more emails to give additional information required

Monday, August 6, 2012


I'm growing habit of make yesterday post on the next day,xixixixi
Doing some research on why the last program didnt work....make list for all the files and compare it but nothing...the same is right but it didnt work...try to find some solution by pasting the error in google but nothing good of it so just emailing the error to aussie and wait 4 the result...

And this is a special day for us....

Friday, August 3, 2012


Okay it' 3rd august already,but whatever,just write it before i forgot about the details... Finishing last month report in the morning and then finishing all the kal classy on server that needs to pre-processing before it can be run on cluster. Making batch file for that
In the evening tried to re-process the folders that failed run in the cluster to try understand the cause. Error when run,but not for the other folders. And then try run from scratch,copy the original files and run again,first 2 software were fine but the third...will be for next day(post).... 

Wednesday, August 1, 2012


There's a meeting or training with people from pinkmatter,about how to setup and what is like the LDPS server. And after lunch we running vegmapper,veg2mapfinal and geowarp on server. Must run all of Kalimantan and pass the results to QA person.

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Site for learning CSS

This has many links to other useful website(I think)

1 2 3 containing useful CSS basic command and syntax
Positionng is what I looking for maybe

drop down

Monday, July 30, 2012


Pfft...lazy all days. Just getting some copying done and g some training on making data ready for the cluster-need-processing.
Have idea to try make blog in wordpress in the morning. But got backen up after learning difference in  wordpress.com and wordpress.org....so i'll stick with blogspot in the meantime while improving in building web skills

Thursday, July 26, 2012


Nothing much can be done today, just start copying some files from USB drive IFCI 1023 to NAS server,some trouble on it. Must plugged in to windows,in windows 7 must checking the disk first and then do safely remove. Otherwise "fuse" will ask for "force" option,i tried that and resulting in memory error so need to reboot the NAS. Fixed after done thing mentioned above.
Some interesting link today is

Gonna make that some "news" article

About the web
Hw to display source html(simple)

Make drop down css? and this one

Wednesday, July 25, 2012


Cant updating much today,administrator team of our cluster from ITB came this morning. Our head section gives some brief presentation about the connection problem of 48TB NAS and then we head to server room. They started to attaching a usb drive to the NAS,failed bcoz no fuse installed but then fixed when the path for fuse is found. Transfer rate usb-NAS is only 16mBps.
Coordinated with some people about futsal schedule,after i confirmed,he went and book for 9 pm,quite sudden but i hope enough people will attended.
My colleague phoned me after break about the usage of cluster. Told her it cant be done coz its still under investigation by admin team. But theres something i need to do. Copying sumatra result from the cluster to usb drive. And the transfer rate is around 40mBps,quite amazing.
And while grabbed ff viii isos. I write this post with newly installed blogger app. Its quite fun actually. Theres some ads popped up,gonna investigating where that came from. And theres gps trouble too havnt fixed yet

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Tutorial Blogging Links

So I finally made a blog,it's not recently though, the right word will be "finally i add something on my blog" lol.
I basiccally just wanna make a log from what I'm doing everyday that give me new knowledge or interested me...
Okay,when setup this blog, as usual, I'm using google as reference to search tutorial about blog, As I thought,I found many of them,but most of them referencing to old blogger interface and I'm in new blogger interface as a default now. So I still make changes from old to new interface back and forth. But well,that' that and  think I'm better start to make a note of links that useful to me

1. It helped me setting up links,many useful tutorial too

2.And then I'd like my blog to have form like this this so I'm searching for tutorial how to add links on blog and found this site

Monday, July 23, 2012


tes 1 2 3